Privacy Policy

Privacy policy - Hot Games

Dear User, Our site never uses any personal data related to users, nor does the site add any profiles to your device or your Internet browser, so browsing our site is completely secure, and no information is disclosed whether you surf from the computer or from mobile.

We note that any data you may submit to the site is at your own free will as a user or visitor, to benefit from certain services on the site such as commenting on any news or article, or writing a response to another user who has already commented, such as name or email, Never publish this data.

The privacy policy of our visitors represents our highest priority, and the privacy policy contained in this document represents the broad outlines of the types of personal information that we may collect. We explain how they are used by us or by our advertisers:

We use Google ads on our site, so Google uses cookies to display ads on our site as an external financial resource.
Using DART cookies, Google can show ads to the user "based on interests" based on user visits to the site to their liking.
Users can easily disable the use of DART cookies by browser options, or visit the privacy policy for Google ads and the content network.

Log Files:

Our site uses the log file system. This system includes the so-called Internet Protocol (ie, addresses, browser type, Internet service providers or ISP, date / time, number of clicks to analyze trends) It is purely analytical and is intended to improve the quality of ads through Google, and it is not intended to collect any of this information in order to snoop on personal visitors.

Cookies and network settings:

In order to continually improve our quality, Google uses cookie technology, a technology used to store information about visitors' interests, as well as a user's own log that contains specific information about the pages accessed or visited, and their interest and preference.

We note that some companies that advertise on the site may view the cookies or network settings of our site and you, such as Google's advertising program Google Adsense, the first advertising company on our site.

These companies, the third party to the privacy policy, follow the same data and statistics that we have mentioned over the Internet protocols to improve the quality of the ads that are relevant to visitors' interest and use technical methods to develop and improve the quality of these ads through cookies, , And also code such as "JavaScript") without any harm to visitors to the site.

To be sure, dear user, you should review the third-party privacy policy (Google Adsense) or ad network servers for more information about our privacy policy and the Google Adsense Privacy Policy, the first advertising program In the site please click here and read the information well.